Transit ON Demand

Transit ON Demand Now in 5 Zones!

Transit staff work to inform riders of service impacts, and keep the public informed about initiatives and projects that support Transit ridership. View Transit Notices

Transit ON Demand (ToD) is a Barrie Transit service without a fixed schedule or route. Users can book a trip through an app, online or by phone, and then the bus travel is optimized through a computer-based system. ToD operates within a specific zone allowing riders to travel from bus stop to bus stop within the zone, on demand. 


ToD is used in low transit demand areas and times when fixed routes are most inefficient and expensive. Benefits include:

  • On-demand trip booking up to 7 days in advance
  • Faster and more direct trips as stops only occur as requested
  • More efficient service

Typically, a ToD bus will arrive about 20 minutes after the booking request, while a conventional scheduled bus arrives every 30 minutes. ToD means shorter wait times, quick local trips, and generally shorter walking distances to/from a bus stop. 

Barrie’s ToD service has a 4.9 out of 5-star rating from current ridership.

Zones & Hours of Service

ToD expanded from one zone to five zones on May 1, 2024. The expanded ToD zones will replace some existing scheduled routes on June 2. Transit staff are doing ride-alongs on affected scheduled routes to help with the transition, and information sessions are taking place at various locations until June 13, 2024. 

ToD operates within specific service area zones. This allows riders to travel from stop to stop within the specific zone, or to a connection stop within the zone to connect to a fixed bus route for cross-city travel. Riders cannot travel between connection points. Hours of service vary by zone. Rides cannot be booked that would depart or arrive outside of the service hours. 

Do you have feedback on the new ToD Zones? Staff are monitoring for trending feedback with the new ToD zones throughout May. Please provide detailed feedback about your experience to

Barrie ToD App

With the Barrie ToD app, riders simply select a time for their ride and their start location. The app will let riders know when to expect a ride, where to wait and when they will reach their destination. Trips can be booked up to 7 days in advance with payment made in the app.  The app is not required to use Barrie ToD; see other booking options below.

Text: Download on the App Store
Text: Get it on Google Play

How to Plan & Book a Trip​

The below tools are for Transit ON Demand zones. If connecting to a fixed route, visit the schedule & maps page for more information and planning tools.

How to Cancel a Trip

Fares & Payment Options

ToD is free to try May 1 through June 1, while all existing scheduled routes remain operational. During this time, if you start your trip in a ToD zone, your ride, including transfer, will be free. The New Network launches June 2.

ToD fares are the same as standard Barrie Transit fares. You can use any form of fare that Barrie Transit accepts. Monthly pass, cash fare, and valid transfer are payment options available for users to select within the ToD app.​​

On the trip confirmation page of the ToD app or online booking portal, select which fare you will use, or let the booking agent on the phone know which fare you will use. Have this ready while boarding for the bus operator to validate. 

Transfers can be provided by the operator to transfer to other Barrie Transit services, including scheduled routes or other ToD zones.

Frequently Asked Questions

About the TOD Service Offering

Booking a Trip

Using ToD