Water Conservation

Barrie is fortunate to have a large supply of high-quality water available in underground aquifers within the city, but this supply has a limited capacity to meet demands of a very rapidly growing population.  The information will help you save money while contributing to the preservation of Barrie's water supply.

Water Conservation Programs

The rain barrel sale program has been discontinued. Please read the November 27, 2024 memo to Council for details. 

Lawn & Garden Maintenance

In the summer, water use in Barrie increases by as much as 30%. Most of this increase is from outdoor water uses, especially lawn watering, and much of this water is wasted. The following tips will help you maintain a green lawn with relatively low effort and only moderate watering.

The Regulatory Matters By-law implements outdoor water use restrictions. Lawn watering restrictions are always in effect for residents connected to the municipal drinking water system.

Wise Maintenance Practices for your Lawn & Garden

Water Efficiency in your Home

A water audit helps you track water usage by particular appliances and can also help identify leaks. Use the water audit worksheet to keep track of your water consumption for at least a week under typical conditions (not with company, or people away). After completing your water audit consider areas where you use the most water, then use the tips provided below to improve your water efficiency and start saving money!

Tips for Improving your Household Water-Efficiency

Typical Household Water Usage

1,000 litres = 1 cubic metre
Toilets6–13 Litres per flush
Toilets - low flow4.8 Litres per flush
Top Loading Washing Machine110–170 Litres per load
Front Loading Washing Machine55–115 Litres per load
Older Shower heads9.5+ Litres per minute
Shower - low flow shower head6.5–7.6 Litres per minute
Dishwasher - older models22–52 Litres per load
Dishwasher - newer models15–26 Litres per load
Watering Lawn35 Litres per minute, per sprinkler head
Brushing Teeth8.5 Litres per brushing
Washing a car with running hose122–400 Litres
Washing a car with hose nozzle and bucket40–100 Litres
Outdoor faucets22 Litres per minute