Sunnidale Park

Size (Acres)
Amenities: Accessible Playground, Community Orchard, Parking Lot, Washrooms

Work Underway in Sunnidale Park

The Peggy Staite-Wong Pavillion is undergoing structural repairs beginning the week of August 26, 2024. A portion of the Wyman Jacques Arboretum will be closed for approximately 8 weeks to complete the repairs. Sunnidale Park and the arboretum remain open.

Additionally, the COVID-19 Heroes & Memorial Garden project is underway in Sunnidale Park and is expected to be complete in September 2024. 

An externally-accessible washroom at Dorian Parker Centre is open year-round during the following hours:

  • 8am–5pm between Thanksgiving weekend and April 30
  • 8am–7pm between May 1 and Thanksgiving weekend

The Sunnidale Park/Dorian Parker Centre parking lot was paved in June 2024.

Park Features