Official Plan

Adopted or Endorsed
Adopted or Endorsed
May 2024

The Official Plan is a general policy document that establishes a long range planning blueprint for land uses and resource management within the municipality. 

Land uses are identified by designations, under which specific policy direction is given to deal with such matters as type of use, density, massing, community design, and development criteria. In addition, policies related to park systems, transportation, servicing and implementation are outlined within the Official Plan. New developments that do not conform to the plan must seek approval of an Official Plan Amendment.

The City is initiating an amendment to the Official Plan to integrate the new Provincial Planning Statement, 2024. 

Official Plan Text & Maps

City-Initiated Official Plan Amendment

The City has submitted application D30-001-2025 to amend the Official Plan to conform to the new Provincial Planning Statement, 2024 (PPS 2024). The PPS 2024 came into effect on October 20, 2024. It replaces the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 and A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2019, which are currently referenced provincial documents in the City's Official Plan. The Official Plan is required to be consistent with provincial planning legislation.

The proposed amendments to the Official Plan will include: 

  • Aligning the definition of Employment Area with the PPS 2024, meaning these areas are designated in an official plan for clusters of business and economic activities including manufacturing, research and development in connection with manufacturing, warehousing and goods movement, and associated retail and office uses, and ancillary facilities;
  • Adding a new land use designation intended to recognize lands that no longer meet the definition of Employment Area, and includes institutional, retail commercial and offices that are not associated with a primary employment use;
  • Corresponding modifications to the text of sections 2.3.5 Employment Areas, 2.6.9 Employment Area – Non-Industrial and 2.6.10 Employment Area – Industrial as it relates to the Land Use Policies being consistent with the new definition of Employment Area;
  • Removing the lands designated as Employment Area – Non Industrial on Map 2 – Land Use from the Employment Area illustrated on Map 1 – Community Structure; and,
  • General wording revisions to all sections of the plan that reference the PPS 2020 and the Growth Plan.

For more details, please read the memo to City Council dated October 30, 2024. A public meeting has been targeted for February 26, 2025; a public notice will be issued when the date is confirmed.

Please contact Celeste Kitsemetry, RPP, Supervisor of Growth Management, at or 705-739-4220 x4430 for further information.


Bill 162, Get it Done Act, 2024 received Royal Assent on May 16, 2024. This brings into effect the City of Barrie Official Plan 2051, adopted pursuant to By-law 2022-016, with Minister modifications. The City of Barrie Official Plan 2051 was previously approved with modifications in 2023, which were reversed by Bill 150, Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023.

Official Plan 2051 was approved as modified, including the following:

  1. Appendix 2: Phasing Plan is deleted in its entirety
  2. Policy is modified by adding the following new sentence at the end “The portion of Designated Greenfield Area lands identified as Phase 1 West, Phase 2 West, and Phase 3 West on Appendix 2: Phasing Plan as adopted by By-law 2022-016, excluding the Employment Areas, may be planned to achieve a minimum density of 52 persons and jobs per hectare to 2051”
  3. Policies 9.5.2.c), d) and j) are deleted and section 9.5.2. is renumbered accordingly.

View a detailed description of the Official Plan modifications under Bill 162.

The modifications to the Official Plan policies and maps were made to address provincial policy direction related to land use compatibility, source water protection, and government priorities related to housing and streamlining development process, among other matters, including site specific changes.

Key Dates