Efficiencies & Innovation

The City drives change in the way it delivers services and is constantly looking at ways to make tax dollars go further. The City continually works to find efficiencies and build innovation into the way it does business. All City departments conduct line-by-line reviews of their budgets each year and have embraced a culture of innovation to find savings wherever possible. 

Did you know?

Ontario municipalities receive only 9 cents of every tax dollar raised in Ontario, while the Provincial and Federal governments receive 44 cents and 47 cents respectively. In contrast to this, municipalities own 57% of the capital infrastructure, while the Provincial Government owns 41% of Infrastructure and the Federal Government only 2%.

Barrie taxes are very comparable to other municipalities. In fact, they are in the lower end of other major southern Ontario cities. In 2023, S&P maintained the City of Barrie’s ‘AA+’ credit rating.

The below projects and initiatives highlight cost saving measures from across the City. In instances where staff time is saved, this time is 100% reinvested, giving staff more time to complete other work.

Service Improvements

Internal Process Improvements