The corporation of the City of Barrie is comprised of the Chief Administrative Office—which includes Human Resources, Internal Audit, Legal Services, and Finance—and three divisions: Access Barrie, Community & Corporate Services, Infrastructure & Growth Management.
Barrie Fire & Emergency Service is governed by By-law 2002-264, which sets out the department's definitions, mission, and mandate.
Key responsibilities: building permits, building inspections, building complaints, building administration.
The Business Performance and Internal Audit department reports administratively to the CAO and functionally to the Finance & Corporate Services Committee Chair. This allows the Internal Audit department to operate with independence.
The CAM team provides valuable information to City Council to facilitate better, more informed decisions aligned with the City’s Financial Policy Framework.
Key responsibilities of the department include: Corporate Facilities Maintenance & Operations; Capital Facilities Planning & Development; Community Facilities Management (bookings, programming, staffing).
The Development Services department is responsible for growth and development, parks planning, transportation planning, traffic services, and more.
Branches: Business Development, Small Business Centre, and Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship. The department has four primary service areas to contribute to the Economic Development Strategy for Invest Barrie.
The Finance Department provides financial services to City Council, the public, and City departments.
Directs all corporate human resource management activities including recruitment, wage and salary administration, occupational health and safety, labour and staff relations.
Five branches: Administration Services, Application Services, Geographic Information Services, Planning & Portfolio, Technology Services.
The Infrastructure department includes: Linear Infrastructure Projects, Vertical Infrastructure, Developer & Special Projects, Water Operations, Wastewater Operations.
Provides legal services to the Corporation, including City Council, staff and certain boards and agencies.
Three branches: Legislative Services, Court Services, and Enforcement Services.
The City strives to inform the public, employees and media about City news, programs and services, and to actively engage stakeholders in creating a stronger, more inclusive community.
Four branches: Operations Administrative Support Services; Roads, Stormwater & Rail Operations; Fleet Services; Parks & Forestry Operations
Four branches: Culture, Recreation Programs, Recreation Facilities, and Administration & Business Services.
Service Barrie is the City’s one-stop customer contact centre, allowing residents to easily access information and services from one centralized access point.
The City is committed to providing customer-focused, efficient and affordable parking and transit that links people to the community through an integrated, easy-to-use system.
Three branches: Environmental Risk Management & Compliance, Solid Waste Management Policy & Planning, and Solid Waste Operations.