Consistent with the City’s practice of demonstrating transparent, accountable and ethical governance, City Council adopted a code of conduct for members of council and its boards and committees.
Barrie City Council and committee members must annually acknowledge receipt and understanding of the Council and Committee Member Code of Conduct (Code) (PDF) and acknowledge that they must comply with its provisions. The Integrity Commissioner is responsible for administering the Code and assists in maintaining high ethical standards at the City of Barrie.
Purpose & Intent
Maintaining a high quality of public administration and governance can be achieved in part by encouraging high standards of conduct on the part of City officials. The public is entitled to expect the highest standards of conduct from members that are elected or appointed to serve their local government.
The Code establishes standards of conduct for members of Council, boards and committee members in the individual conduct of their official duties. These standards:
- help ensure that the members of Council share a common basis of acceptable conduct.
- help protect and maintain the City of Barrie’s reputation and integrity
- are designed to supplement the legislative parameters within which the members must operate
- are intended to enhance public confidence that the City of Barrie’s elected and appointed officials operate from a basis of integrity, justice and courtesy
Key Items
The Code regulates a range of conduct by elected and appointed officials, including the following:
- Improper receipt of gifts and benefits;
- Misuse and improper securing of confidential information;
- Inappropriate use of City property, services and other resources, including using City facilities for campaign purposes;
- Allowing employment prospects to influence the way in which a Councillor performs her or his role;
- Avoidance of waste;
- Conflicts of interest;
- Business relations;
- Misbehaviour at Council meetings;
- Mistreatment of staff;
- Improper use of influence;
- Discreditable behaviour towards other Councillors, staff and members of the public; and,
- Failing to follow Council policies.
Violations & Complaints
All elected officials and members of committees and local boards are required to follow the Council and Committee Member Code of Conduct. If a Council, committee or local board member appears to have violated a section of the Code, a complaint can be submitted to the Integrity Commissioner. Please refer to complaint procedures.