The Traffic By-law regulates traffic on any location designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles. This page highlights information contained within the Traffic By-law that addresses frequently asked questions. Please read the Traffic By-law for more detail.
Parking Prohibited
No person shall park a vehicle in any of the following places:
- on or over a sidewalk
- on a boulevard
- within an intersection
- within a designated pedestrian crossover
- within 3 metres of a fire hydrant
- within 15 metres of any railway track which is on or adjacent to a roadway
- within 9 metres of an intersection unless otherwise indicated by sign
- in front of or within 1.5 metres of the entrance to a public lane or private driveway or so as to prevent ingress or egress to or from such lane or driveway
- on any bridge or in any subway or within 100 metres of a bridge over, under or across which the highway passes
- on any street in such a manner as to obstruct traffic
- in such a position as will prevent the convenient removal of any other vehicle previously parked
- in front of the main entrance to or any emergency exit from any theatre, hotel, auditorium or other building
- in front of any hotel
- on or over a curb within a driveway
- in a front yard (grass)*
In specified places where signs are on display, there may be further parking restrictions.
*Front yard (grass) parking is a violation of the Zoning By-law. Concerns regarding front yard parking can be logged with Development Services via Service Barrie. Call 705-726-4242 or email
Paid Parking Exemptions
Overnight Parking Prohibited in Winter: Hybrid Lots & Waterfront Areas
Between December 1 through March 31, parking is not permitted in any hybrid parking lots (Spirit Catcher, Lakeshore Drive, and North Marina parking lots) or waterfront parking areas (lots and on-street) from 12:01am to 5am.
This allows for proper snow clearing during winter months and avoids buildup of snow windrows from vehicles being parked for extended periods in parking lots or on-street locations.
For more detailed information, please download the Staff Report re Overnight Waterfront Parking and Traffic By-law Updates.
These restrictions are in addition to the established Overnight Parking By-law, which prohibits on-street parking from 3–6am within the Downtown Business Improvement Area, and on other City streets 12:01–7am, December 1 through March 31.
Traffic By-law Schedules
Schedule Number | Topic |
Schedule 1 | No Parking Any Time |
Schedule 2 | No Parking in Specified Places Where Signs on Display at Stated Times |
Schedule 3 | Restricted Parking between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, for a Limited Time, During Stated Hours |
Schedule 4 | Stopping Prohibited |
Schedule 5 | Taxicab Stands |
Schedule 6 | Angle Parking |
Schedule 7 | Paid Parking Zones |
Schedule 8 | Rates in the Paid Parking Zones |
Schedule 9 | No U-Turns |
Schedule 10 | No Left Turns |
Schedule 11 | No Turns |
Schedule 12 | One-Way Streets |
Schedule 13 | Through Highways and Through Streets |
Schedule 14 | Permissive Truck Route |
Schedule 15 | Yield Right of Way |
Schedule 16 | Pedestrian Crossovers |
Schedule 17 | Centre Lane Designated for Left Turns Only |
Schedule 18 | School Bus Loading Zones |
Schedule 19 | Providing for the Erection of Stop Signs at Intersections |
Schedule 20 | Metered Handicapped Parking |
Schedule 21 | Right Turn Only |
Schedule 22 | Straight Through Movement |
Schedule 23 | Taxicab Prohibited Parking |
Schedule 24 | Remembrance Day |
Schedule 25 | Voluntary Payment |
Schedule 26 | Permissive Parking in Specified Places Where Signs on Display at Stated Times |
Schedule 27 | Electric Vehicle Parking Stall Sign |
Schedule 28 | Downtown Parking Area |
Schedule 29 | Hospital Parking Area |
Schedule 30 | Waterfront Parking Area |