Traffic By-law

By-law Number
Last Updated
Regulates traffic on any location designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles.

The Traffic By-law regulates traffic on any location designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles. This page highlights information contained within the Traffic By-law that addresses frequently asked questions. Please read the Traffic By-law for more detail.

Parking Prohibited

No person shall park a vehicle in any of the following places:

  • on or over a sidewalk
  • on a boulevard
  • within an intersection
  • within a designated pedestrian crossover
  • within 3 metres of a fire hydrant
  • within 15 metres of any railway track which is on or adjacent to a roadway
  • within 9 metres of an intersection unless otherwise indicated by sign
  • in front of or within 1.5 metres of the entrance to a public lane or private driveway or so as to prevent ingress or egress to or from such lane or driveway 
  • on any bridge or in any subway or within 100 metres of a bridge over, under or across which the highway passes
  • on any street in such a manner as to obstruct traffic
  • in such a position as will prevent the convenient removal of any other vehicle previously parked
  • in front of the main entrance to or any emergency exit from any theatre, hotel, auditorium or other building
  • in front of any hotel
  • on or over a curb within a driveway
  • in a front yard (grass)*

In specified places where signs are on display, there may be further parking restrictions.

*Front yard (grass) parking is a violation of the Zoning By-law. Concerns regarding front yard parking can be logged with Development Services via Service Barrie. Call 705-726-4242 or email

Paid Parking Exemptions

Overnight Parking Prohibited in Winter: Hybrid Lots & Waterfront Areas

Between December 1 through March 31, parking is not permitted in any hybrid parking lots (Spirit Catcher, Lakeshore Drive, and North Marina parking lots) or waterfront parking areas (lots and on-street) from 12:01am to 5am. 

This allows for proper snow clearing during winter months and avoids buildup of snow windrows from vehicles being parked for extended periods in parking lots or on-street locations. 

For more detailed information, please download the Staff Report re Overnight Waterfront Parking and Traffic By-law Updates.

These restrictions are in addition to the established Overnight Parking By-law, which prohibits on-street parking from 3–6am within the Downtown Business Improvement Area, and on other City streets 12:01–7am, December 1 through March 31. 

Traffic By-law Schedules

Schedule Number     Topic
Schedule 1No Parking Any Time
Schedule 2No Parking in Specified Places Where Signs on Display at Stated Times
Schedule 3Restricted Parking between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, for a Limited Time, During Stated Hours
Schedule 4Stopping Prohibited
Schedule 5Taxicab Stands
Schedule 6Angle Parking
Schedule 7Paid Parking Zones
Schedule 8Rates in the Paid Parking Zones
Schedule 9No U-Turns
Schedule 10No Left Turns
Schedule 11No Turns
Schedule 12One-Way Streets
Schedule 13Through Highways and Through Streets
Schedule 14Permissive Truck Route
Schedule 15Yield Right of Way
Schedule 16Pedestrian Crossovers
Schedule 17Centre Lane Designated for Left Turns Only
Schedule 18School Bus Loading Zones
Schedule 19Providing for the Erection of Stop Signs at Intersections
Schedule 20Metered Handicapped Parking
Schedule 21Right Turn Only
Schedule 22Straight Through Movement
Schedule 23Taxicab Prohibited Parking
Schedule 24Remembrance Day
Schedule 25Voluntary Payment
Schedule 26Permissive Parking in Specified Places Where Signs on Display at Stated Times
Schedule 27Electric Vehicle Parking Stall Sign
Schedule 28Downtown Parking Area
Schedule 29Hospital Parking Area
Schedule 30Waterfront Parking Area