New Ontario Building Code
Building standards are set by the Ontario Building Code, Zoning By-law, Building By-law and other applicable laws to ensure structures meet the minimum living, fire, and health safety requirements.
Building Services regularly posts bulletins regarding industry-related developments that may impact customer experience.
Ontario Building Code
The Ontario Building Code (OBC) is the legislative framework governing the construction, renovation and change-of-use of buildings in Ontario. It establishes detailed technical requirements and minimum standards for building construction. For more information, contact the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
Visit the Government of Ontario’s 2024 Ontario Building Code webpage for information about the new code, which takes effect January 1, 2025.
Zoning By-law
Barrie’s Zoning By-law outlines what can be built on a property (land use) and where on a property it can be built (building set-backs). Zoning regulations define these limits for every building project. For more information, please contact Service Barrie at (705) 726-4242 or
Building By-law
The Building By-law Ontario Building Code’s enforcement in Barrie. For more information, please contact Service Barrie at 705-726-4242 or
Applicable Law
A building permit cannot be issued if a proposed project will breach applicable law. View the Applicable Law Checklist to determine if any applicable laws in Barrie apply to your project, and for agencies to contact to gain approval.
Alternative Solutions
Barrie's Alternative Solutions Informational Guide explains the City's requirements and procedure relating to the submission of an Alternative Solution Application.