Green Valley Construction Corporation
This file is with the applicant as of
November 10, 2022
Application 1
Zoning By-law Amendment
Application 1 Received
Application 1 Status
Application 1 File #
Application 2
Site Plan Control
Application 2 Received
Application 2 Status
Application 2 File #
About the Proposed Development
Rezoning Application
Green Valley Construction Corporation applied to rezone the lands known municipally as 101 Kozlov Street from Multiple Residential Dwelling Second Density (RM2) to Multiple Residential Dwelling Second Density with the following Special Provisions (RM2)(SP):
- Permit a maximum density of 94 units per hectare, whereas a maximum density of 53 units per hectare would be permitted;
- Permit a maximum gross floor area of 85%, whereas a maximum gross floor area of 60% would be permitted;
- Permit a maximum building height of 3.5-storeys (12m) for the proposed stacked townhouse units, whereas a maximum building height of 3-storeys (10m) would be permitted;
- Permit a minimum parking ratio of 1.15 spaces per unit, whereas a minimum of 1.5 spaces per unit would be required;
- That a minimum outdoor amenity area of 1,104m2 be provided on site, of which a minimum of 834m2 shall be provided in a consolidated form, whereas a minimum outdoor amenity area of 1,104m2 would be required to be provided in a consolidated form;
- Provide a minimum side yard setback of 6m, whereas a minimum side yard setback of 1.8m would be permitted;
- Notwithstanding (f) above, provide a minimum side yard setback of 25m from the proposed stacked townhouse units to the north lot line (abutting the rear yard of lots fronting Livingstone Street West); whereas 7m would be permitted;
- Provide a minimum 4m wide landscape buffer area along the north lot line (abutting the rear yard of lots fronting Livingstone Street West); whereas a minimum of 3m would be permitted;
- Provide a minimum 9m building setback between the proposed stacked townhouse units and the existing apartment building on-site; and
- That the existing 7-storey (129 unit) residential apartment building be recognized as a permitted use.
Site Plan Application
- Green Valley Construction Corporation and Zelinka Priamo Ltd. applied for a Site Plan Application to construct an additional 88 Units in the form of 6 apartment buildings.
Rezoning Application
Green Valley Construction Corporation applied to rezone the lands known municipally as 101 Kozlov Street from Multiple Residential Dwelling Second Density (RM2) to Multiple Residential Dwelling Second Density with the following Special Provisions (RM2)(SP):
- Permit a maximum density of 94 units per hectare, whereas a maximum density of 53 units per hectare would be permitted;
- Permit a maximum gross floor area of 85%, whereas a maximum gross floor area of 60% would be permitted;
- Permit a maximum building height of 3.5-storeys (12m) for the proposed stacked townhouse units, whereas a maximum building height of 3-storeys (10m) would be permitted;
- Permit a minimum parking ratio of 1.15 spaces per unit, whereas a minimum of 1.5 spaces per unit would be required;
- That a minimum outdoor amenity area of 1,104m2 be provided on site, of which a minimum of 834m2 shall be provided in a consolidated form, whereas a minimum outdoor amenity area of 1,104m2 would be required to be provided in a consolidated form;
- Provide a minimum side yard setback of 6m, whereas a minimum side yard setback of 1.8m would be permitted;
- Notwithstanding (f) above, provide a minimum side yard setback of 25m from the proposed stacked townhouse units to the north lot line (abutting the rear yard of lots fronting Livingstone Street West); whereas 7m would be permitted;
- Provide a minimum 4m wide landscape buffer area along the north lot line (abutting the rear yard of lots fronting Livingstone Street West); whereas a minimum of 3m would be permitted;
- Provide a minimum 9m building setback between the proposed stacked townhouse units and the existing apartment building on-site; and
- That the existing 7-storey (129 unit) residential apartment building be recognized as a permitted use.
Site Plan Application
- Green Valley Construction Corporation and Zelinka Priamo Ltd. applied for a Site Plan Application to construct an additional 88 Units in the form of 6 apartment buildings.
Review Process Key Dates
Neighbourhood MeetingThursday February 18, 2016, 5:00pm
Rotunda at City Hall (70 Collier Street)
Public MeetingMonday May 8, 2017, 7:00pm
Council Chamber (70 Collier Street)
General Committee MeetingMonday September 11, 2017, 7:00pm
Council Chamber (70 Collier Street)
Council MeetingMonday September 18, 2017, 7:00pm
Council Chamber (70 Collier Street)