Court Services

Timeline Extensions due to Canada Post Strike

A court order respecting extensions of timelines due to the postal strike extends specific time limits under the Provincial Offences Act as follows:

  • Filing of requests for trial and appeals were extended to Monday, January 6, 2025 (20 days following the resumption of normal mail service).
  • Fines due and payable is extended to Tuesday, January 21, 2025 (35 days following the final day of the strike).

Beware of Scams

If you receive a text/instant message or call requesting online payment for an Ontario Provincial Offences Court fine from someone claiming to be from the Ontario Court, it may be a scam. The City of Barrie's Court Services team uses several third-party collection agencies to collect fines, which may use text messages; however, they should not claim to be from the Ontario Court. City of Barrie Court Services will not use text messages or instant messages to start a conversation about your fines. You can always deal directly with the City's court office staff as noted on this webpage if you have an outstanding fine to pay.

The City of Barrie’s Court Services branch provides administrative services for matters before the Ontario Court of Justice, Provincial Offences Court, for all municipalities within the County of Simcoe. The City of Barrie manages two administrative offices, one in Barrie and one in Orillia.

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POA Case Lookup: Check the status of your traffic tickets or other provincial offences.

Services include the processing of charges under Provincial statutes, processing of Provincial Offence fine payments, scheduling of Provincial Offence trials, etc.

The Provincial Offences Act (POA)

The Provincial Offences Act (POA) sets out procedures for the administration and prosecution of offences under provincial statutes and regulations, and municipal by-laws. Designated municipalities are responsible for the administration of courts hearing POA matters and the prosecution of certain POA cases on behalf of the Attorney General. Examples of such cases include:

  • Highway Traffic Act charges such as speeding and other traffic violations
  • Municipal by-law charges relating to excessive noise, animal control, or garbage disposal
  • Charges laid under all other provincial legislation (such as the Liquor Licence Act, Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act, Trespass to Property Act, etc.)

Types of Provincial Offence Notices

There are three different types of Provincial Offence notices:

  • Part I: an offence notice (ticket) or summons that is issued to an individual
  • Part II: a parking infraction notice (including City-issued parking tickets)
  • Part III: a summons (including a court date)


You can pay Barrie and Orillia Court Service area fines online, by mail*, over the telephone, or in person at any Provincial Offences Court location in Ontario. Please review important payment information

If you are paying an automated speed enforcement ticket fine through and have received an error message, please try again in seven days from the deemed service date on your ticket.

View frequently asked questions for answers to payment-related questions and more.

*In a January 7th news release, Canada Post stated that residents should "continue to expect delivery delays of several days beyond our service standard for Transaction Mail such as letters, bills and statements." You may wish to use one of the other payment options to ensure your payment is not delayed. 

Request a Trial

Requests for trials for provincial offence tickets can be made:

  • in person by attending the Court Services Office, 45 Cedar Pointe Drive, Barrie. The office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm.
  • by scanning the ticket to along with confirmation that you're requesting a trial.
  • by faxing the ticket to 705-739-4292 along with confirmation that you're requesting a trial.
  • by mailing* a copy of the ticket to the below address, along with confirmation that you're requesting a trial.

    Barrie Court Services 
    45 Cedar Pointe Drive
    Barrie, L4N 5R7

    *In a January 7th news release, Canada Post stated that residents should "continue to expect delivery delays of several days beyond our service standard for Transaction Mail such as letters, bills and statements." You may wish to use one of the other methods to request a trial.

Remote Hearings (Virtual Proceedings and Zoom)

The Ontario Court of Justice continues to work closely with the Ministry of the Attorney General and Provincial Offences courts to resume Provincial Offences Act (POA) proceedings across the province.

The Ontario Court of Justice recognizes the need to rely on remote court options for parties and participants in POA proceedings to ensure access to justice is maintained.

In recognition of this need, the Court is taking a number of steps to direct scheduling in a manner that supports remote hearings and encourages effective use of in-person proceedings.

Request for Early Resolution Teleconference

If you have chosen Option #3 (request a trial) as noted on your Offence Notice, or have received a Part I summons ticket with a court appearance date), you may wish to explore an Early Resolution option of your matter. This option can be exercised once you have received your Notice of Trial or if you have received a summons.  Please submit a Request for Early Resolution Teleconference.

Request for early resolution must be made well in advance of your trial date. We may not be able to schedule you for a suitable teleconference court if the docket reaches capacity or if your request is made too close to your trial date.

Disclosure Requests

Anyone charged with an offence has a right to receive disclosure of the evidence that may be used at his/her trial if requested. It may take 6–8 weeks to process a disclosure request so it is important to request disclosure well in advance of a trial date through the correct office in order for a defendant to have disclosure made available. When filing a request, be sure to include the ticket number(s), court date, court location, your name and contact information, including your e-mail address, officer badge number and enforcement agency.


You may have “grounds of appeal” from a Provincial Offence conviction, sentence, or both. Please refer to the Guide to Appeals in Provincial Offences Cases. POA appeals must be filed with the provincially administered Ontario Court of Justice (OCJ) appeal court offices.

Appeal forms and information can be obtained at either OCJ administration offices (i.e. municipally administered POA court offices or the provincially administered appeal court offices), and from the forms section of this web page.

Please note: Fine payments are only accepted at Provincial Offences Court offices in Ontario, not the Appeal Court offices.


The City of Barrie adopted a similar model of transcript production service as the Ontario Court of Justice (Criminal Division). Many other Provincial Offences Courts within the province also follow this model. 

This new process will ensure quicker and easier access to transcripts, limiting delays and improving customer service.

Those requesting transcripts must access the Court Transcript Order Form. The form includes a list of the authorized court transcriptionists (ACT) vendors.  The ordering party must select a vendor from this list which meets the ordering party's criteria for the transcription order. The ordering party must contact the selected vendor to discuss the order, including the timeframe the transcript is required, cost, payment methods, and delivery details.

Please note transcript preparation fees are governed by O. Reg. 94/14 and will be the same for all vendors.

POA Forms

How to Submit Forms


Barrie is one of Ontario's leading communities in accessibility and is committed to accessibility and the tenets of the AODA. Accessible alternate formats and communication supports are available upon request by emailing

Frequently Asked Questions


Barrie Provincial Offences Office
Phone: 705-739-4291
Fax: 705-739-4292
Orillia Provincial Offences Office
Phone: 705-326-2960
Fax: 705-326-3613