The City of Barrie, specifically Barrie Fire and Emergency Service, is mandated to respond to complaint and request inspections related to fire safety concerns by the Fire Protection and Prevention Act (FPPA). Further, business owners and residents require particular permits that may require inspections.
Thinking of having a backyard fire? The City offers two types of permits for outdoor burning, for recreational purposes only.
Fire Prevention Officers enforce violations found under the Ontario Fire Code. These violations include items such as maintenance of fire safety equipment, blocked exits, breaches in or missing fire separations, missing or broken fire doors, severe electrical problems, improperly used or stored flammable liquids or gases, unsafe accumulation of combustible materials, failure to implement a fire safety plan, etc.
When a violation of the Ontario Fire Code is observed by the Fire Department, it is a chargeable offence at that time. It is the responsibility of the homeowner, business owner, building owner, etc. to ensure that a building is in compliance with the Ontario Fire Code at all times.
Types of Inspections
Request an Inspection
For urgent or safety related concerns, please call Fire Headquarters at 705-728-3199.
To request a non-urgent inspection, complete the online inspection request form.
When requesting an inspection of a property for which you are not the owner or occupant, written legal owner consent is required. Please complete the property inspection owner consent form and email it to
Any questions about the request process can be directed to
Inspection Fees
Fire Department inspection fees are applicable to most inspections. Please refer to Schedule G of the Fees By-law for associated fees. Subsequent fees due to repeat re-inspections or failure to comply may be charged as required. Inspection fees must be paid in advance.
Rights of Entry
The legislation from the Fire Marshal allows for Barrie Fire and Emergency Service Fire Prevention Officers to enter a premise at any reasonable time without advance warning or an appointment. Landlords are permitted to enter tenant suites/space with 24 hours’ notice to assess fire safety concerns. In emergency situations, the 24-hour notice requirement is not applicable.
Keeping Records
When tests or corrective measures required by the Fire Code are carried out such as:
✓ Annual inspections of smoke and CO alarms
✓ Emergency lighting tests
✓ Fire alarm annual inspections
✓ Sprinkler annual inspections
✓ Portable extinguisher annual inspections
✓ Commercial kitchen suppression system 6-month inspection
A copy of the records must be maintained at the building for examination by the Fire Department if requested. Records of maintenance, checks, tests and inspections like those listed above must be maintained for at least 2 years after being prepared.
To request a file search or a copy of a fire report, please email If you are not the owner of the property, you must include written property owner consent at the time of your request. File search and fire report copy fees apply. Refer to the Fees By-Law, Schedule G for current rates.