Changes Coming to Curbside Collection

Would you prefer a smaller garbage cart?

Changes to curbside waste collection are happening in Barrie between 2024 and 2026. Effective May 1, 2024, collection started to look different for residents and businesses with a new contractor for organics, garbage and yard waste collection. 

Automated Cart Collection Starting Sept. 8, 2025

The City will move to automated cart collection service as outlined below on September 8. Automated collection is when the driver uses a mechanical arm on the side of the truck to lift and empty carts, without exiting the vehicle. This requires specific carts.

*Residential recycling carts will not be provided by the City of Barrie. Circular Materials will continue to manage residential recycling under the provincial Blue Box Regulation and recycling will continue to be collected in blue/grey bins. Effective January 1, 2026, Circular Materials may make changes to the way recycling is collected. 
Property TypeMaterials Collected by Cart Starting Sept. 8
Residential propertiesGarbage & organics*
Business & institutional propertiesGarbage, organics, & recycling

Automated Cart Collection Benefits

  • Automated cart collection supports worker health and safety by removing heavy lifting. 
  • Automated cart collection is more efficient compared to manual collection, so fewer resources will be needed on the road.
  • Wheeled carts are easy to roll, and don’t need heavy lifting or dragging.
  • Carts keep neighbourhoods cleaner by keeping waste contained and protected against wind and animals. The organics cart is equipped with a gravity lock to secure material and keep out wildlife; the lock opens automatically when the cart is dumped into the collection vehicle.

Cart Sizes

One small 120L organics cart with a gravity lock and one large 240L garbage cart will be delivered to all properties at no charge during the summer (downtown BIA properties must register by March 31 to receive carts). Business/institutional properties that register for municipal service by March 31 will also receive one 360L recycling cart.

Until March 31, property owners can substitute the large garbage cart for a smaller (120L) garbage cart, and residential properties with two to five registered units can request additional sets of carts within limits (see residential cart limits chart below).

The 240L garbage cart will be delivered to your property in the summer of 2025 unless you choose to substitute for a smaller 120L garbage cart by March 31.
Type of CartHeight x Width x Depth
120L Organics Cart98cm x 47cm x 62cm
240L Garbage Cart (standard size)105cm x 68cm x 72cm
120L Garbage Cart (optional size)96cm x 47cm x 62cm
360L Recycling Cart (business & institutional properties only)111cm x 74cm x 85cm

Preview Your Carts in Person Until March 31

All residential properties will receive ONE small 120L organics cart with a gravity lock and ONE large 240L garbage cart (downtown BIA properties must register by March 31 to receive carts). Until March 31, there is an option to substitute for a smaller 120L garbage cart. To help decide what size garbage cart you prefer, garbage and organics carts are on display at the following City facilities until March 31:

Key Details for Residential Properties

Below are key details for residential properties relating to automated cart collection service starting on September 8.

Key Details for Business & Institutional Properties 

With the transition to carts starting on September 8 comes a new waste collection program for business and institutional properties. Business and institutional properties are defined as Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (IC&I) properties in the Waste Management By-law

Municipal waste services are generally suited for small business and institutional properties with limited waste, which can be collected on residential routes. Larger business and institutional properties with multiple units (ex. complexes and plazas) often require front-end dumpsters, not curbside collection. 

Cart Delivery for all Properties

Delivery of residential property carts (organics and garbage) and business/institutional property carts (organics, garbage and recycling) will happen from June through August 2025. A delivery schedule for each area of Barrie will be shared in May. Carts will be delivered to individual properties and will NOT be available for pickup at City facilities.

Once your carts arrive, please: 

  • remove empty carts from the curb and store on the property until the week of September 8, when cart collection begins. 
  • write the property address on the white space on the side of each cart with a permanent marker. 
  • do not exchange carts with others.

Carts are assigned to the property address and equipped with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag and a unique serial number linked to the property. All collection trucks are equipped with a RFID reader and onboard computer that can help ensure carts stay with the correct property. Carts belong to the City of Barrie and are to remain with the property to which they are assigned. 

Proper Cart Storage

Residents and business/institutional property owners are responsible for the storage, care, cleanliness, security and use of carts. Store them where you normally store your waste such as inside a garage, along the side, or behind the property. Please note:

  • The carts cannot be stored on a public boulevard, road or sidewalk.
  • The gravity locking system on the organics cart protects waste from animals and weather. A shady storage location helps control odours in summer months.

Setting your Carts at the Curb

Roll your organics and garbage carts to the curb by 7am (5am in the downtown BIA) on your collection day the week of September 8. Residential collection for properties outside of the downtown BIA will continue on the same frequency, with weekly organics collection and every-other-week garbage collection for residential properties.

Collection frequency for all properties within the downtown Barrie BIA will change effective September 8. Visit Downtown BIA Waste Collection Registration for full information.

When placing materials curbside, remember to: 

  • Place carts on a level surface, with the arrows on the lid pointing toward the street. 
  • allow for 2 ft of clearance between the carts and any obstacles such as parked cars, fences, trees, other waste materials set out for collection, etc. 
  • place residential blue/grey recycling boxes (if applicable) and yard waste at least 2 ft from the carts. 
  • make sure cart lids are fully closed. Do not overfill your cart.

Frequently Asked Questions

The below FAQs are related to the City's transition to automated cart collection in general.