Winter Considerations for Curbside Collection

The winter can be challenging for curbside collection. Please note the following considerations during winter months.

Christmas Trees Collected Weekly in January

Christmas trees are collected weekly in January (beginning the first full week of the month and ending the last full week) on your regular curbside collection day. Christmas tree collection occurs January 6–31 in 2025. Please ensure trees:

  • are placed curbside as close as possible to your collection day
  • are placed curbside by 7am
  • are free of plastic wrap/bags, decorations, and stands
  • are visible at the end of the driveway
  • are not placed on top of, or stuck into, snowbanks
  • do not exceed 1.8 meters or 6 feet in length
    Trees taller than 1.8 m (6 ft) must be cut in half to fit in the collection truck.

If it snows or snow removal equipment buries the tree after the tree has been placed out for collection, please remove the snow so the tree is visible and accessible to the collector. 

Barrie residents can also drop off Christmas trees at the landfill for free (must be within yard waste limits and free of ornaments, bags and stands.)

Bin Placement in Winter

Please ensure bins are placed out of snow removal equipment path.

Please place your collection materials in a visible location at the end of your driveway on the right side (when facing the street) ensuring that the materials are placed well out of the path of snow removal equipment. 

If collection boxes/bins are hit by snow removal equipment and contents are spilled, it is the resident's responsibility to clean up the materials. See how to get a replacement organics bin. Damaged recycling boxes can be replaced by contacting Circular Materials’ Contractor at or 1-888-597-1541.  

Please ensure bins remain visible to collectors.

Should it snow or if snow removal equipment covers collection materials after they have been placed out for collection, it is the responsibility of the resident to remove the snow from their materials so they are accessible and visible to the collector.

Tips: Clear an area of snow from the boulevard or grass area at the end of your driveway and place materials there, as far from the road as possible without blocking the sidewalk. Stacking recycling boxes also helps if possible (so they are visible and take up a smaller footprint).

Bin Storage in Winter

Try to keep your recycling boxes, organics bin and garbage can in a dry area throughout the week so that materials do not freeze to the bottom or sides of the containers, and so that they are safe from snow build up.

Materials frozen to the recycling, organics or garbage containers may not be emptied. The collectors are required to lightly tap the containers to loosen material; however, there is a risk of damaging the containers if aggressive force is used in removing remaining materials.

Tip: Lining your organics bin with a fibre (e.g. paper) liner will help to prevent the contents from freezing to the bin.