Transit Schedules & Maps

We're here to help!

Plan your trip on Barrie Transit with the Transit App! The Transit App offers the only trip planning tool for the full Barrie Transit network, as it includes both Transit ON Demand and fixed route schedules

Transit staff work to inform riders of service impacts, and keep the public informed about initiatives and projects that support ridership.

View Transit Notices

Do you have feedback on Barrie Transit? All feedback, including concerns and compliments, relating can be reported to the appropriate staff via Service Barrie Online.

System maps are available for pickup in person from Service Barrie, the Downtown Transit Terminal, Allandale Recreation Centre, East Bayfield Community Centre, and Peggy Hill Team Community Centre. Staff at these locations are happy to print route schedules and maps upon request. Copies and accessible formats are also available upon request by emailing

Transit Maps

View the Barrie Transit network map for a full overview and see the Barrie Transit platform maps for details on which platform your route will go to at the Downtown Transit Terminal, Barrie South GO, and Park Place. View the Transit ON Demand Zone maps

View the Art on Transit locations map to learn where you may see bus shelter art installations along your ride.

Route Schedules

The below schedules offer a summarized overview of routes and do not show every stop serviced by the route. Barrie Transit produces individual route summary brochures for your convenience. Use the Transit App to plan your trip on Barrie Transit.

Above schedules are subject to change without notice. View all current stop closures and route detours.
2A: Dunlop
2B: Park Place
Route 2 Schedule
7A: Grove
7B: Bear Creek
Route 7 Schedule
8A: RVH / Yonge
8B: Crosstown / Essa
Route 8A Schedule
Route 8B Schedule
8A/8B Bear Creek Special
10: North Loop (Clockwise)
11: North Loop (Counterclockwise)
Route 10 & 11 Schedules
12A: Georgian Mall
12B: Barrie South GO
Route 12 Schedule
100: Red, Clockwise
101: Blue, Counterclockwise
Route 100 & 101 Schedules
Express 400: To RVH
Express 400: To Park Place
Route 400 Schedule
No fixed schedule or route, operates within specific zones.

Staff are monitoring for trending feedback with the new network rollout. Please provide detailed feedback about your experience to