Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

Adopted or Last Updated

Climate change continues to bring challenges that municipalities need to face head-on and manage proactively. The City’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Implementation Plan were developed to address the physical, economic, social, and ecological impacts of climate change.

The full list of goals and their implementation status is outlined below and in the Climate Actions document​.

Cross-Cutting Actions

Cross-cutting actions apply to a variety of goals. By taking a more holistic approach to maintaining more effective, efficient and sustainable application of resources, the City uses actions to integrate climate change considerations into existing plans, policies and decision-making frameworks.

Source: Climate Actions document
ActionImplementation Status
Incorporate climate change into the Official Plan.Ongoing
Integrate climate change considerations into Barrie’s existing plans and policies.Ongoing
Empower residents and businesses of the City’s climate change efforts through education and awareness.

Develop education initiatives for residents and businesses to create awareness of the City’s climate change efforts.

Goals & Actions

Frequently Asked Questions