On December 3, 2022, City Council members met at City Hall to discuss the development of their strategic priorities for the 2022–2026 term. At the session, Council identified five goals that will guide the strategic direction for the City over the next four years.
That afternoon, Council also took time to consult with MP John Brassard, MP Doug Shipley, MPP Andrea Khanjin and MPP Doug Downey to seek their feedback on the priorities and ensure alignment and support from all of Barrie’s elected officials.
Council discussed several key issues they heard while campaigning for the 2022 Municipal Election, including affordable and attainable housing, community safety, road safety, the environment, and affordability.
The key performance indicators (KPIs) for each priority are reviewed and reported to Council each year as part of the Budget and Business Plan reporting processes. The information posted on this webpage demonstrating the measurements and year-over-year progress on these KPIs will be updated annually in February.
Priorities & Goals

Affordable Place to Live
- Encourage a range of housing options to make housing attainable
- Open for business environment to help encourage job creation
- Develop and attract talent to support our employers

Community Safety
- Support neighbourhood safety and crime prevention
- Address speeding and aggressive driving to ensure street and pedestrian safety
- Work with our partners to implement community safety and well-being plan
- Support community-based policing initiatives

Infrastructure Investments
- Make it easier to move around the city
- Fix roads that need attention
- Update and improve infrastructure
- Support active transportation and pedestrian connections
- Implement climate action plans