Strategies & Plans

The strategies and plans listed below are currently under development, or have been adopted/endorsed by City Council and currently applicable to City operations. 

Universal symbols of accessibility
Topic(s): Community
Status: Adopted or Endorsed
Adopted or Endorsed: 2019

Provides an update on activities that were undertaken between 2013–2018, in addition to planning for Barrie’s accessible future.
Topic(s): Environment
Status: Adopted or Endorsed
Adopted or Endorsed: 2019

Fulfills regulatory requirement and presents a path forward to achieving a full optimized energy management program within the City of Barrie.
cover of plan on background
Topic(s): Community
Status: Adopted or Endorsed
Adopted or Endorsed: 2021

Our shared plan for a safer Barrie involves 15 actions, endorsed by City Council and led by a variety of local organizations.
Topic(s): Other
Status: Adopted or Endorsed
Adopted or Endorsed: 2022

The priorities reflect key issues that City Council heard from residents, and guide the strategic direction for the City.
Bike path and pavement markings
Topic(s): Transportation
Status: Adopted or Endorsed
Adopted or Endorsed: 2019

Identifies long-term recommendations to help guide implementation and provides City staff and its partners with tools, references and guidelines to aid in the future of active transportation decision making.
Affordable Housing Strategy | City of Barrie | December 2023
Topic(s): Planning
Status: Adopted or Endorsed
Adopted or Endorsed: 2024

Aims to encourage, stimulate and increase the supply and range of affordable housing options to meet the needs of our residents, at all income levels and stages of life. 
Topic(s): Community
Status: Under Development
Estimated Completion: 2025

Ensuring we are continuing to meet the needs and expectations of people living in Barrie, and that the legislated requirements of the AODA are met.
hands on cane
Topic(s): Community
Status: Adopted or Endorsed
Adopted or Endorsed: 2016

Developed with assistance from a grant received from the Government of Ontario. An age-friendly community is one where policies, services and structures related to the physical and social environments are designed to support and enable older people to live in a secure environment, enjoy good health and continue to participate fully in their communities.
Topic(s): Asset Management Plan
Status: Under Development
Estimated Completion: 2025

Aligning AMPs with the requirements for the 2025 regulatory deadline and continued compliance with Ontario Regulation 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure.
Topic(s): Transportation
Status: Under Development
Estimated Completion: TBD

We're building a blueprint for growing our existing transit system to best meet the needs and goals of today’s city, while developing a long-term plan for a future network.