This page outlines the terms of reference for the City's Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee. Formal channels to communicate with reference committees include the Circulation List and Open Delegations.
Strategic Vision
- Make it easier to move around the city
- Fix roads that need attention
- Update and improve infrastructure
- Support active transportation and pedestrian connections
- Implement climate action plans
- Foster growth in arts and culture
- Expand and maximize access to parks and recreation opportunities
- Continue to support a vibrant downtown
Reference Committee Role
The role of a Reference Committee is to provide advice and guidance to City Council
(through General Committee) on the direction and nature of policy development and to
complete fact finding and detailed analysis of the matters before the Reference Committee.
Reference Committees deal with matters within the duties of the individual Committee,
matters referred to it by City Council, and/or items of an Advisory Committee that reports
to it. The business dealt with by each Reference Committee must fall within the duties of
the Reference Committee under the Procedural By-law.
Infrastructure & Community Investments Committee Duties
The duties of the Infrastructure & Community Investments Committee are to study and report to the General Committee on matters within the following subjects:
- Corporate facility management
- Parks operations
- Environmental (water supply, treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, environmental investigation and response and waste management)
- Transportation services
- Transportation (roads maintenance, traffic management, transit operations, rail, and airport services)
- Infrastructure planning, design, and construction (roads, water, sanitary and storm
Reporting Advisory Committees
The following advisory committees report to the to the Infrastructure & Community Investments Committee
- Active Transportation & Sustainability Committee
- Communities in Bloom Committee
- Arts Advisory Committee
- Youth Council
Committee Members
- Mayor, A. Nuttall – ex-officio
- Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson – ex-officio
- Councillor, B. Hamilton, Chair
- Councillor, C. Riepma
- Councillor, N. Nigussie