Cycle Barrie Infrastructure Program EA

Project Type
EA Study
In Progress
Estimated Completion

The Cycle Barrie Infrastructure Program includes the implementation of recommendations contained within the City's Transportation Master Plan.

Status: Project is underway.


Study Level: Schedule A+ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (notification of implementation only)


The City has been implementing cycling infrastructure recommendations based on its first active-transportation-focused Transportation Master Plan completed in 2013, and based on updated recommendations contained within the City's updated Transportation Master Plan completed in 2019. Implementation of cycling infrastructure is either:

  • linked to large capital projects (i.e. road reconstruction / widening project such as Mapleview Drive East, Ferndale Drive, Harvie / Big Bay Point Road Crossing, etc.), or 
  • implemented through a road diet (repurposing surplus road space to create on-road cycling lanes).

Project Purpose

The purpose of this project is to accelerate implementation of recommendations contained within the Transportation Master Plan, and develop interim link alternatives that leverage low-stress streets or road diets to allow development of a well-connected cycling network. This approach allows the City to build a functional network much quicker, while still planning for ultimate cycling infrastructure as identified in the Transportation Master Plan.

The project is based on recommendations contained within the council-approved Transportation Master Plan and is intended to be a 5-year implementation program for cycling infrastructure that can be generally implemented through road diets (cycling lanes, urban shoulders) and using low-stress streets (cycling routes) with enhanced wayfinding signage as an initial tranche of cycling infrastructure. 

This project will undertake a preliminary assessment of three major arterial corridors—Bayfield Street, Essa Road and Yonge Street—and provide recommendations, cost estimate and functional design for the highest-ranking corridor for consideration in future capital budgets

As part of the City's next Transportation Master Plan update, the City will be including scope for the development of a follow-on 10-year implementation plan for cycling infrastructure projects dependent on large capital projects.

Public Input

public information centre meeting took place on February 24, 2022. A public feedback form was also open for a period of time.

Project Schedule

2021–2022Phase 1 – Program Development
The City retained an engineering consulting firm to undertake development of the cycling program including public consultation, network validation/development and functional design to address network gaps. This work culminated with a recommended multi-year design and construction program to implement recommended infrastructure.
2022–2025Phase 2 – Implementation: Road Diets / Signed Routes
This work consists of the implementation of road diets and signed routes not requiring physical construction. The objective is to implement these infrastructure types as quickly as possible subject to project funding.
2023Phase 3 – Implementation: Network Gaps
Network gaps requiring physical construction need additional time to allow for additional studies (if required), detailed design, utility relocations, property acquisition (where required) and construction. Recommendations from Phase 1 inform the development of the capital program to address these gaps but are subject to project funding as well as other considerations including capital works associated with the corridors where these gaps are located.