Sunnidale Road Sanitary Sewer Relocation EA

Project Type
EA Study

The City undertook a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) to study alternative alignments to relocate the existing sanitary sewer off of the Sunnidale Road Highway 400 bridge and assess the relative environmental, social, economic and cultural impacts.

Background: The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) received Environmental Assessment approval for Highway 400 transportation improvements that include the replacement of the Sunnidale Road bridge. The MTO requested the Corporation of the City of Barrie (the City) to plan for and relocate the existing sanitary sewer that is presently located within the bridge super structure as they desire the replacement bridge to be free of third party utilities.

Study Level: Schedule ‘B’

Key Considerations: Maintaining gravity conveyance for the upstream catchment area.

MTO Improvements: Questions pertaining to MTO transportation improvements and/or the replacement of the bridge structure should be directed to Ms. Salia Kalali, Senior Project Engineer at the MTO (, 416-235-6570).

Status: A project file is complete (see Draft Final Class EA Study Report) and the Notice of Completion was advertised on October 10th and 17th, 2019. The 30-day review period concluded on November 17th, 2019.


Report & Appendices