The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the design and installation of water infrastructure systems that connect to the City of Barrie Water Distribution and Transmission System. This information is made available to Consulting Engineers, Subdividers, Contractors or any individual wanting to make any connection to the City of Barrie Water System. This Standard shall not relieve the proponent from the primary responsibility for the design to meet all Federal, Provincial and Municipal regulations, including the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002.
This specification is applicable to installation of watermains and services up to and including 600mm in diameter. Installations of watermains larger than 600mm in diameter, or for any special installation shall be reviewed and approved on an individual project basis by the City of Barrie Corporate Asset Management Branch Water Operations Branch of the Infrastructure and Grown Management Division.
The information found in this specification shall be used in conjunction with the terms of pertinent the Subdividers Agreements and/or Site Plan Agreements issued by the City of Barrie. Also, this information will be a supplement to any additional or updated specification, approved by the City of Barrie.
About Infrastructure Standards
The City’s infrastructure standards (standards) help to ensure Barrie’s community is consistently provided with safe, reliable and quality services. Users of the standards are encouraged to adhere to the standards to the greatest extent possible and to reference the infrastructure standards list to obtain current standards with each new project. Feedback can be emailed to