Employment Development Concierge Program


Development Concierge Programs are complimentary services that aim to improve access to housing and provide more housing options in the community, while also creating jobs for residents by helping new and existing businesses grow. The Employment Development Concierge Program assists new and existing businesses with the development of strategic employment projects or expansions to existing business operations. 

The Employment Development Concierge Program helps businesses navigate through site selection, pre-submission due diligence, funding and incentives, partnerships and approvals processes. Services include:

  • Enhanced support for applicants throughout the Development Review Process to facilitate smoother project advancement.
  • Facilitation of meetings with Development Services and Building Services staff during the pre-development or pre-renovation stages to assist with due diligence in site selection.
  • Aid for businesses in identifying the best expansion options tailored to their needs.
  • Priority review for select projects based on specific criteria, including the potential for job creation upon project completion.
  • Streamlining of the Development Review Process to enhance overall efficiency for all applicants.

Employment Development Project Eligibility

The Employment Concierge Program uses a scorecard system to assess eligibility, with criteria and a points system. Only business development projects scoring at least 70 points on the scorecard will qualify for enrollment in the program. In addition, any proposals that receive grant funding through any future Employment Lands Development Community Improvement Plan (CIP) will automatically be eligible for the Employment Concierge program.  

Generally, larger projects that create more employment opportunities in key sectors (e.g. advanced manufacturing, health and life sciences) would score higher than those projects that result in fewer jobs and/or are outside of these key sectors.

How to Apply 

If your project meets the eligibility criteria above, please use the link below to submit your application to the Business Development branch of the City of Barrie’s Economic and Creative Development Department.  

Apply Now

If you require assistance or have questions about the application please email DevelopmentConcierge@barrie.ca.

Once your application is received, Business Development staff will review your application and score it using the Employment Development Concierge Scorecard. Applicants will receive confirmation on whether the project is eligible within five business days.  


Employment Development Concierge projects will be provided with a key contact from Business Development to help guide them through the various components of the development approval process.  The Development Concierge Programs Process Chart outlines what to expect.

This key contact will be available to assist with inquiries, direct applicants to City of Barrie and external resources, and assist with the timely resolution of any issues that arise. Staff will issue an Endorsement Letter to eligible applicants, who will submit it with the formal development application(s). This letter can also be submitted by the applicant to external funding agencies.

Successful Employment Development Concierge applicants will be required to enter into a Letter of Understanding (LOU) agreement between the City and the owner (registered or assessed owners of lands/buildings), which will set out the terms, duration, and default provisions of the Employment Development Concierge Program. The City may discontinue Concierge services where there is not compliance with an executed agreement.