Noise By-law

By-law Number
Last Updated
Prohibits and regulates noise.

Barrie's Noise By-law prohibits and regulates noise. This page contains highlights on popular topics. Please read the Noise By-law (PDF) for full information.

General Prohibition

Where the noise can be clearly heard at the point of reception, nobody shall emit or cause noise likely to disturb another person in a residential area between 9pm one day and 7am the following day. Exceptions include emergency measures undertaken for the immediate health, safety or welfare of the inhabitant or the preservation or restoration of property.

Specific Prohibitions by Time & Place

There are specific prohibitions by time and place according to particulars of noise (construction equipment, fireworks detonation, combustion engines, persistent barking, etc.). Please refer to Schedule 1 (page 7) of the Noise By-law (PDF).

Permanent Exemptions

Some permanent exemptions are listed below. Please refer to Schedule 2 (page 10) of the Noise By-law for the full and detailed list.

  1. The operation of bells and other signalling devices used as traffic control devices at intersections and railway crossings.
  2. The operation of equipment in conjunction with City projects or general maintenance.
  3. All activities directly associated with the conduct of City sanctioned Special Events including but not limited to the detonation of fireworks.
  4. The operation of authorized emergency vehicles and related signalling devices.
  5. The operation of vehicles and equipment used for the clearing and removal of snow from public and private property.

Applications for Exemption

Every application for exemption must be made to the City Clerk in writing and shall contain:

  1. the name and address of the applicant;
  2. a description of the source of sound or vibration and resulting noise in respect of which exemption is sought;
  3. a statement of the particular requirement or provision of the By-Law from which exemption is sought;
  4. the reasons for which, in the applicant’s opinion, the exemption should be granted;
  5. in the case of a temporary exemption, a statement of the actions, steps or other such measures, if any, planned or presently being taken, by the applicant, intended to bring about compliance with the By-Law;
  6. any additional information deemed necessary by the City Clerk or Council to consider an application made under this section.

Upon application to the City Clerk, the applicant must submit all fees as set out in accordance with the City of Barrie Fees By-law. The application fee is non-refundable.