Regulatory Matters By-law

By-law Number
Last Updated
Regulates and governs matters including but not limited to use of firearms, display of fireworks, lawn watering, and the use of snow vehicles.

Barrie's Regulatory Matters By-law regulates and govern matters including but not limited to use of firearms, display of fireworks, lawn watering, and the use of snow vehicles. This page contains highlights on popular topics. Please read the full Regulatory Matters By-law for more detail.


Unless otherwise authorized, fireworks are only permitted in Barrie on the actual statutory holidays of Victoria Day, Canada Day, New Years Day, and for the recognized duration of the holidays known as Lunar New Year and Diwali.

People are not permitted to set off any fireworks in, on, or into any roadway or park (defined by the by-law) or on or into any other private property for which permission has not been granted. The Noise By-law prohibits the detonation of fireworks between 11pm and 7am (9am on Sundays).

Motorized Snow Vehicles

Motorized snow vehicles—self-propelled vehicles designed to be driven primarily on snow—are not permitted on sidewalks, in public parks, in environmental protection areas and on other City-owned lands unless otherwise permitted by the City. The operation of motorized snow vehicles is not permitted between midnight and 6am, except when necessary for emergency purposes or as otherwise authorized by the City. The speed limit for motorized snow vehicles in Barrie is 30km/hour.

Outdoor Water Use Restrictions

The Regulatory Matters By-law allows for the implementation of outdoor water use restrictions. Lawn watering restrictions are ALWAYS in effect for residents connected to the municipal drinking water system:

  • Consumers with even/odd municipal addresses must only water lawns accordingly on even/odd-numbered calendar days between the hours of 6pm and 8am.
  • Watering of newly planted sod or seed is allowed for 14 days after sod or seed has been installed (regular lawn watering rules apply thereafter).

Lake Simcoe water levels lower as the summer progresses each year, due to increased evaporation and reduced inflows. The above restrictions are aligned with low water status (level 1) of the Lake Simcoe Conservation AuthorityNottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, and Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

Additional restrictions may be necessary to assist in ensuring sufficient water system reserve availability during peak use periods for fire protection and other emergency events, to address supply/demand shortfalls, and in situations where the distribution and operational issues limit the ability to distribute water to consumers (i.e. water main breaks and equipment failure).

Water Use Restriction Details