Our mission is to provide helpful and accountable customer service for the people who live, work, and build, in the city of Barrie. We want to understand your needs and preferences. We actively review feedback as we’re always looking to uncover new opportunities for enhancements to our services.
Complete our surveys to tell us how we’re doing:
- APLI Survey
If you are applying for a building permit or certified model, paying fees, downloading or uploading documents, requesting inspections, or searching for permit records, we want to hear about your experience in APLI.
- Communications/Building Bulletin Survey
We want to provide you with timely industry-related developments in the way that serves you best. Complete our communications survey to tell us how often you want to hear from us and what topics interest you.
Your feedback is important to us, and we truly appreciate your time. Thank you.
Paul Evans, CBCO
Chief Building Official