Business & Institutional Curbside Waste Collection Registration


Barrie businesses/institutions must register to receive waste collection services from the City. Business and institutional properties are defined as Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (IC&I) properties in the Waste Management By-law

Why Registration is Required for Service

The City made changes to curbside collection with a new collection contract effective May 1, 2024. The City continued to offer curbside collection services to eligible businesses/institutions provided the business/institution applies to receive curbside collection services and meets current curbside waste limits.

With the transition to carts effective September 8 comes a new waste collection program for business and institutional properties. Business and institutional properties must be registered so the City can identify which properties are opting into the City’s municipal waste services. The City will add these properties to their regular curbside collection routes. 

Municipal waste services are generally suited for small business and institutional properties with limited waste, which can be collected on residential routes. Larger business and institutional properties with multiple units (ex. complexes and plazas) often require front-end dumpsters, not curbside collection. 


To be eligible to receive municipal curbside collection services, businesses must participate in all streams of waste collection (i.e. organics*, garbage, recycling, and yard waste), as applicable. Please note:

  • Residential properties with a home occupation or home industry are serviced by residential curbside collection and are not eligible for business/institutional municipal waste services. 
  • The City will provide municipal recycling, organic waste, garbage, and yard waste collection to eligible registered business and institutional properties.
  • Properties with elementary and secondary schools, and not-for-profit long-term care homes are not eligible to receive municipal recycling services. These institutions must arrange recycling collection with Circular Materials by emailing

*With the transition to carts effective September 8, organics collection will be provided to registered business/institutional properties.

Material Limits Until Sept. 7

Collection limits currently in effect will remain in effect until the transition to carts starting on September 8.

Material Limits Effective Sept. 8

With the transition to carts effective September 8 comes a new waste collection program for business and institutional properties, including the introduction of organics collection for business and institutional properties. Each business and institutional property is eligible to receive one set of carts with the following level of service:

*Property owners have the option to select a 120L garbage cart instead upon registration (deadline: March 31). After carts have been delivered in the summer, exchanges for a different size will be permitted beginning October 20, 2025 (a $50 fee will apply).
MaterialCollection Frequency
One 240L garbage cart*Every other week
One 120L organics cart with gravity lockWeekly
One 360L mixed recycling cartWeekly
Unlimited yard wasteEvery other week April through November
Text: Business/Institutional Effective Sept. 8, 2025 | Icons of organics cart, garbage cart, recycling cart, and yard waste bag

Collection Schedule

Registered business and institutional properties can use the Curbside Collection Schedule Lookup to view their curbside collection schedule.

How to Apply 

The current municipal waste services will end on September 7, 2025. Businesses and institutions can register for the current municipal waste services until July 15, 2025, by emailing

Effective September 8, 2025, automated cart collection service will begin. With the transition to carts comes a new waste collection program for business and institutional properties. Owners of business and institutional properties need to register by March 31, 2025, if they wish to receive waste collection from the City after September 7. 

Business and institutions that are currently registered with the City and receiving municipal waste services need to contact their property owner/manager to confirm their interest in receiving municipal waste services under the City's new automated cart program starting September 8, 2025. If the property owner(s) determines that the new municipal waste program is the right fit for their property, they must select their carts to request municipal waste service for business/institutional properties by March 31, 2025, to avoid service interruptions:

Frequently Asked Questions | Service after Sept. 7

The below FAQs are specific to business/institutional curbside collection services effective September 8—for which registration is due by March 31when automated cart collection service begins and a new waste collection program begins for business and institutional properties, including the introduction of organics collection for business and institutional properties. 

Please email with any questions about registering for current municipal waste services, ending on September 7.

See general FAQs re the City's transition to automated cart collection.