The Development Services department includes the following branches:
- Development Services Administrative Services
- Strategic Initiatives, Policy & Analysis
- Parks Planning
- Planning (Growth & Development)
- Approvals
- Transportation Planning
- Traffic Services & ROWA
Planning Branch
Staff members in our Planning branch are dedicated professionals with a breadth and variety of planning experience and expertise. Many are Registered Professional Planners who, as such, adhere to a Professional Code of Practice. A planner’s primary responsibility is to serve the interests of the public, which includes:
- respecting the needs, values, and diversity of the public;
- providing full, clear, and accurate information to members of the public and to decision-makers;
- promoting opportunities for all to participate in the planning process in a meaningful way.
To learn more about the planning profession visit Ontario Professional Planners Institute and Canadian Institute of Planners.
The Planning branch is responsible for:
- Review of applications and recommendations related to proposed changes to the City's Official Plan and Zoning By-law.
- Review and Recommendations re: Plan of Subdivision applications.
- Review and Recommendations re: Site Plan applications.
- Review and Recommendations re: Committee of Adjustment applications.
- issuing planning and development letters, including Zoning Compliance Letter Requests, and Permitted Use Letters.
- administering the Financial Incentives Program in the City's historic downtown core.
Approvals Branch
The Approvals Branch works in partnership through active communication with local industry, residents, businesses, other City Departments, City Council, and local community and service partners.
- Support planned growth and positively contribute to decisions that impact the City
- Review, Management and Administration of all Development applications
- Coordination of Development and reviews comments for various branches of the Infrastructure and Growth Management Division
- Liaison with branches within Community and Corporate Services and Infrastructure and Growth Management Divisions regarding Subdivisions and Site Plan Approvals/Assumptions
- Preparation of Engineering Conditions and Reports for proposed Subdivisions, Site Plans, Rezoning and Committee of Adjustment applications
- Validation of development cost estimates used in the preparation of the required financial securities
- Review of Site Plan, Subdivision and Development Legal Agreements
- Approval and issuance of Site Alteration Permits
Traffic Services & ROWA Branch
The Traffic Services & ROWA branch is responsible for:
- Operation and maintenance of traffic control signal
- Pavement markings
- Traffic signs and parking
- Streetlight system
- Parking meters, pay and display