September 25, 2024
The Bryne Drive South extension, connecting Harvie Road through to Caplan Avenue, is scheduled to open on Friday, September 27, 2024.
September 3, 2024
Finishing touches are underway. The contractor is preparing to pave surface asphalt this month and the road is expected to open in late September.
In August, the contractor completed the following:
- Works around Whiskey Creek slope
- Sidewalk installation and connections to the multi-use trail
- Streetlights installation
- Traffic signs installation
- Topsoil and seed placement in the boulevard
This week, the contractor will grind out asphalt at the intersection of Caplan, install the loop detectors to prepare for the upcoming surface asphalt placement and finish the remaining works in the boulevard.
July 24, 2024
The trees have been planted. Final boulevard work is ongoing. This week, the contractor will continue with the following:
- constructing the off-road cycle track
- constructing the asphalt strip adjacent to the curb
- constructing the multi-use trail to connect to Harvie Road
- placing topsoil to prepare for sod placement
July 9, 2024
Base course asphalt paving is happening this week.
June 27, 2024
Work is progressing and the project is in the final stages. Work is ahead of schedule and is now expected to wrap up this fall.
May 16, 2024
- The first two lifts of asphalt have been placed on Bryne Drive from Caplan to just beyond the Bryne cul-de-sac, and on the Bryne cul-de-sac
- Traffic on Bryne Drive is currently staged to one lane in each direction between Caplan and the Bryne Drive cul-de-sac
- Sidewalk installation at the south limits is ongoing
- Preparation for the bike trail at the south limits is ongoing
- New street light poles have been installed
- Grading and boulevard preparation are ongoing
March 27, 2024
The underground work is now complete. The new watermain is in the process of being commissioned.
The Contractor, Primrose, has staged traffic on the existing Bryne Drive. The process of staging traffic involves moving traffic to various sides of the road to reconstruct existing roads while maintaining traffic flows. The asphalt has been removed and the granular in the road is being replaced. Primrose will be maintaining the gravel road with techniques to control and to rapidly address any potholes or rough driving surfaces.
New curbs are planned to be installed in mid to late April. There will continue to be a heavy presence of trucks entering and exiting site while Primrose builds the new road.
March 5, 2024
- The underground work is mostly complete with the water commission planned to take place this month.
- The contactor, Primrose, will start building up the road by installing subdrains, followed by sub-base and base material (granular B then granular A). There will be lots of truck movement in and out of the site to haul the necessary material.
- Primrose is ahead of schedule.
November 21, 2023
Construction of the Bryne Drive South extension continues to progress well. Underground infrastructure construction remains the main area of focus, with watermain construction expected to be completed early December. Details of temporary water shut-offs will be communicated directly with affected parties.
Winter traffic control measures will be implemented in the coming weeks. Traffic will be restored to its original configuration, subjected to temporary lane shifts and lane closures controlled by traffic control persons to facilitate the construction activities. Access to all businesses along Bryne Drive will remain open. Motorists are reminded to drive extra cautiously when travelling through the dedicated construction zone.
October 18, 2023
Construction of the Bryne Drive South extension is progressing well. All creek crossing has been completed and the contractor is working on completing underground infrastructure.
Traffic control measures are in place along the existing Bryne Drive, north of Caplan Avenue, as crews continue construction. Access to all businesses and the east sidewalk remains open. Motorists can expect additional traffic control measures, limiting vehicles to a single lane during working hours through the use of traffic control persons. Motorists are reminded to drive extra cautiously when travelling through the dedicated construction zone.
October 2, 2023
Construction of the Bryne Drive South extension continues. A traffic alignment shift has recently been implemented. Traffic travelling along the existing Bryne Drive north of Caplan Avenue has been shifted easterly as crews work on the west half of the roadway. Access to all businesses and the east sidewalk remains open. Motorists can expect additional traffic control measures, limiting vehicles to a single lane during working hours through the use of traffic control persons. Motorists are reminded to drive extra cautiously when travelling through the dedicated construction zone.
July 18, 2023
Construction of the Bryne Drive South extension is underway. Access to all businesses remains open. Motorists can expect occasional lane closures controlled by trained traffic persons when travelling along the existing Bryne Drive, north of Caplan Avenue. Motorists are reminded to drive cautiously through the construction zone.
May 2023
Tree removal operations have completed and utility relocations are well underway. The City has tendered the contract and will be awarding to the bidder shortly.
February 2023
The City is starting work on the Bryne Drive South extension from north of Caplan Avenue to Harvie Road. Utility relocation works are currently ongoing and tree removal operations are expected to start the week of March 6, 2023. Upon completion of this work the City will retain the services of the general contractor to complete the remainder of the project.
December 2022
The design team is nearing the completion of the tender package for Bryne Drive South and is expected to release the tender in early 2023. Construction is expected to start in spring 2023 with a completion of winter 2024.
October 2022
The City is nearing the completion of the Bryne Drive South design, and it is expected to tender the project in the next few months. Construction is then expected to start Spring 2023. Utility relocation work is ongoing within the existing Bryne Drive South (north of Caplan Ave).
August 2022
Utility relocation work within the existing Bryne Drive North of Caplan has started. This work is expected to be on-going until next spring.
April 2022
The City has revised the active transportation design along this corridor and will be implementing an off-road cycling facility along Bryne Drive North and South.
January 2022
The City of Barrie Infrastructure Department has completed the 100% design and are obtaining all necessary environmental permits and acquiring necessary property. Upon property acquisition, utility relocations are expected in summer and fall 2022. The City is expecting to tender the construction project for Bryne Drive South by the end of 2022, with construction starting in early 2023. The City is also looking at revising its active transportation design on this road to potentially include an off road cycling facility, if feasible.
April 2021
The City of Barrie Infrastructure Department has completed the 100% Detailed Design for this project. Property Acquisition is expected to occur in 2021, followed by utility relocations expected in 2021 and early 2022. The City is expecting to hire a contractor in early 2022 to complete the construction.
May 2020
- Design at 90% completion
- Anticipated Tender Ready Package – Q3 2020