The City manages over 3,000 public parking spaces in the downtown and waterfront areas. A Facility Condition Assessment of paid public parking lots was completed in 2022, including geotechnical testing, which identified critical repair and renewal work required over the next 10 years to maintain these City assets.
The City also manages parking lots at City-owned parks and facilities across Barrie. City parking lots provide access to a wide variety of activities that bring life to our community, including employment, shopping, special events and recreation. Parking lot improvement projects focus on renewal, upgrades, redesigns and reconstruction of existing City parking lots.
The schedule for each parking lot (design and construction) is determined based on budget approval.
Recently Completed
The below projects were completed within the last two years.
Affected Services
Sanitary sewers, water, hydro, telephone, cable TV, and gas services should not be affected by this work, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
Access Impacts
Vehicle access to properties within the project limits will be provided at almost all times during the work. Portions of the parking lot may be closed to complete these works. Pedestrian access will be maintained during the work.