Speed Limits & Enforcement

Ontario's Ministry of Transportation’s Highway Traffic Act (HTA) sets a default municipal speed limit of 50 km/h on roadways within cities, towns, villages or built-up areas. The HTA grants the City authority to set speed limits; under this legislation, set speed limits range from 40–80 km/h in 10 km/h intervals.

City policy mandates a 40 km/h speed limit in front of elementary schools and for roadways whose geometric design cannot support a 50 km/h or higher limit. On major roads where elementary schools are present, a "40 km/h when flashing" speed limit may be considered. 

Factors that Influence Speed Limits

Speed limits on major roads are influenced by many factors, including:

  • Roadway design
  • Roadway classification
  • Vehicle operating speeds
  • Adjacent development
  • Collision history
  • Pedestrian activity
  • Driveway spacing
  • Location of signalized intersections

Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE)

Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) is a system that uses speed cameras to enforce speed limits. Speed cameras are an affordable way to enforce speed limits, slow down motorists and improve public safety. If your vehicle is captured by the camera as going over the posted speed limit, here’s what happens:

  1. The speed camera captures an image that is stored and reviewed by a provincial offences officer.
  2. The ticket is mailed to the registered plate holder at the address on file with the Province of Ontario.
  3. Tickets are mailed out within 23 days after the violation occurs.

There is a very simple way to avoid getting a traffic ticket—don’t speed. Please slow down and help keep our communities safe.

ASE Signage

Signage near ASE camera locations indicates where cameras are coming soon and when they're in use. Speed limit signage is impacted when cameras are in use.

ASE Camera Locations

In Barrie, ASE cameras are located in certain community safety zones. A community safety zone is an area designated through the Community Safety Zones By-law to identify it as a road segment of higher risk or concern. Certain Highway Traffic Act fines (including speeding) are doubled in community safety zones. Many community safety zones are located close to schools.

Community safety zones were identified for the ASE program based on data collected showing areas where drivers are regularly going over the posted limit. Two cameras are installed and will be rotated to different community safety zones every few months.

ASE Camera Facts

  • The camera is triggered by a threshold speed; threshold speeds will not be disclosed.
  • The ASE camera captures only still images of the licence plate. Video is not captured.
  • The ASE camera is just as accurate at detecting speed as traditional speed measurement devices used by police.
  • If a vehicle exceeds the posted speed limit in an ASE area, the camera captures an image that is stored and reviewed by a provincial offences officer. 
  • The ASE cameras capture licence plates of all vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit.
  • The cameras are programmable and determine what speed zone is applicable at the correct time of the day. 

ASE Tickets & Fines

The ASE cameras capture licence plates of all vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit. The ticket will include the image taken by the ASE camera and an enlargement of the plate portion. It is mailed to the registered plate holder at the address on file with the Province. The ticket will arrive within 30 days after the violation occurs.

The penalty is only a fine. Tickets issued via ASE don’t result in demerit points.

Like speeding tickets issued by police officers, the fine will be based on how much the driver was exceeding the speed limit. Fines are set by the Ontario Court of Justice Chief Judge and listed in Schedule D Highway Traffic Act Speeding – Community Safety ZoneFines are doubled in community safety zones, even if the violation occurred outside school hours.

Emergency vehicles must comply with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act regarding exceeding the speed limit. According to Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act, section 128 (13) speed limits do not apply “to a police department vehicle being used in the lawful performance of a police officer’s duties.” Emergency circumstances would have to be proven (ie. call log or other documentation).

There are options for ticket payment or response to the provincial offence.

How the Funds are Used

  • The municipality uses the funds from the fine payments to offset the costs of the ASE program (cameras leases, signs, Provincial Offences Officers, office and miscellaneous expenses).
  • The victim fine surcharge portion is submitted to the Province like any other ticket offence.  The municipality retains any net fine revenue, after expenses. 
  • If there is a surplus of revenue over expenses, these funds will be reinvested by the City back into the ASE program, other road safety, or traffic calming initiatives. 

ASE Program Background

In 2017, Ontario authorized the use of Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) in municipalities to address ongoing issues with speeding in school zones and community safety zones. At the June 20, 2022 Council meeting, Barrie City Council approved a motion to implement an Automated Speed Enforcement Program in school zones and community safety zones. ASE cameras went live in Barrie on December 1, 2023.